Before you have your hair extensions fitted, we highly recommend carrying out a little research before you attend your consultation. You will want to know the different methods of hair extensions available to you and what will work best for not only your hair, but also your lifestyle. Here at Angel Hair Extensions, we offer the free consultation so you can discuss what options you are looking at along with any other queries or questions you may have. During your consultation, we will also make sure we get a perfect colour match before ordering any hair, this way you can rest assured your new extensions will look gorgeous once fitted.
When it comes to hair extensions fitting we always get asked the same few questions, so to make your life a little easier, we thought it would be best to go through exactly what happens at each stage.
My hair extensions fitting – the consultation
We briefly touched upon the fact that here at Angel Hair Extensions we offer a non-obligatory free consultation process, regardless of who you decide to have your hair extensions fitted with, you should always have a consultation before the hair is ordered or fitted.
By having a consultation it not only means the right method and colours can be chosen for you, but it also gives you a feel for what the extensions technician is like along with the quality of their work.
The consultation process doesn’t take too long, it usually takes about 15 minutes to run through everything you need to know. It allows you to provide us with all of your specific requirements along with any questions or concerns you may have about the hair extensions. Angel Hair Extensions will examine your natural hair to assess which hair extensions methods will be best for you and your lifestyle, along with your hair colour, length and thickness. If after your consultation you wish to go ahead with your hair extensions fitting, we will then provide you with costs, booking information, how to prepare your hair, along with all aftercare information.
How can I make sure my hair is prepared for the appointment?
When it comes to preparing your hair for your hair extensions fitting, you must ensure your hair does not have any excess oils, this can often cause your hair extensions to slip and slide out and in some cases depending on the method you choose, you may also find that they do not adhere to your hair sufficiently. It is extremely important to make sure your hair is prepared for the appointment as we do not want you to be disappointed if they do start to come out.
Before you attend your appointment we recommend washing your hair with a clarifying shampoo such as Moroccanoil Clarifying Shampoo or TREsemme Deep Cleansing Shampoo, both will adequately remove the natural oils which have built up in your hair. We would also like to clarify that you do need to wash your hair on the day of your fitting, not the night before, the reason for this is your hair has time to become sweaty and oily throughout the night.
If you are considering colouring your hair before your fitting appointment, it needs to be done three to four days beforehand, and the same applies if it needs to be chemically treated.
I’ve had my hair extensions applied what can I do in terms of maintenance?
When it comes to maintenance of your hair extensions, you need to make sure you are keep top of it, as it is extremely important to the care of both your natural hair and your extensions. Once you have had your hair extensions fitted, we will provide you with a leaflet explaining all of the aftercare products and information you will need to guarantee you are going to do everything correct to ensure long-lasting hair extensions.
We stock all of the recommended hair extensions products here at Angel Hair Extensions, which can be purchased on the day of your fitting, we can also run through the products with you on the day so you know exactly what it is you are purchasing.
Maintenance appointments are going to be one of the most important appointments in your diary! They are extremely important, as they ensure your hair does not become matted or tangled over time, as your hair starts to grow your natural regrowth can become matted which can cause damage if not dealt with.
Depending on what hair extension method you have, will all depend on how long you have to wait for your next maintenance appointment.
When should I have a hair extensions maintenance appointment?
- LA Weave – six to eight weeks
- Micro Ring Weft – six to eight weeks
- Micro Rings – six to eight weeks
- Nano Rings – two to three months
- Pre Bonded – three to four months
- Tape in Extensions – six to eight weeks
You may find that over time, or in between appointments some strands can fall out; this may be due to slightly oily hair, over conditioning, slipping, or catching a strand. It is completely normal and is nothing to worry about; however, we recommend keeping them if possible as we can refit them in your maintenance appointment. We always recommend booking in your hair extensions maintenance appointment in advance as you do not want to leave it too late, then be disappointed when we cannot fit you in.
Will my hair still naturally shed with hair extensions?
Many of our clients get themselves into a little panic about hair shedding, we will go through this with you during your hair fitting appointment, but it is often forgotten. Our hair growth is in three cycles all of which have an impact on your hair shedding. On average your hair tends to grow around half an inch every month and will grow much faster during the summer months in comparison to the winter.
The three stages of a hair’s life cycle include an Anagen Phase, Catagen Phase and Telogen Phase which are all explained by Philip Kingsley. As your hair comes to the Telogen Phase, your hair will naturally start to shed, and on a healthy head of hair this can be around 80-150 hairs a day, which is actually a large number, however, has no impact on the look of your hair.
When you have hair extensions, the natural shedding hair becomes trapped in the bond or ring, which will collect and gather until the bond or ring is removed. An essential part of your hair care and maintenance is having your bonds or rings separated. When your natural hair starts to grow you will often find that the extensions can become joined or matted together, so you will need to start separating them with your fingers. Your hair must always be brushed thoroughly the whole way down the hair from roots to ends, and you can get yourself a hair extensions brush from Additional Lengths. By brushing your hair regularly it prevents the shedding hair from becoming tangled and matted towards the root. The reason why we advocate brushing your hair properly is if not done so, it can make the removal and maintenance process more difficult.
The maintenance appointments will help to remove all of your natural shedding and prevent your hair from becoming matted or tangled over time. If your hair extensions are left in longer the recommended period then they may start to damage your natural hair. The reason for this is as your hair’s shedding process takes place, your extensions are secured to your head with fewer strands of hair. It then puts tensions on your natural hair which can cause those strands to weaken or break.
When it is time for your hair extensions to come out, you will notice an amount of hair coming out once brushed. After wearing extensions three to four months your hair will naturally have shed around 9,000 to 12,000, so it may seem like it a lot. There is no need for you to be concerned as your hair constantly replaces itself during the growth cycles. One thing we would like to note is that some people will naturally shed more hair than others, so please do not be worried when your hair comes away once the extensions are taken out. This does not mean the extensions have damaged your hair! Hair extensions should NEVER cause any damage to your own hair as long as they have been fitted correctly to start with, the correct after-carw is followed, correct products used, maintenance appointments attended, and professional removal of the extensions at the recommended time frame.
What does the removal process entail?
When it comes to your hair extensions it is absolutely vital that you have them removed with a specialist hair extension technician. They will make sure your hair extensions are removed at the right time and using the right tools.
The hair extensions removal process can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours depending on what method you have. It does not hurt to have your extensions removed, as long as you keep your hair in good condition – if you do let the hair become matted it can often turn into small dreadlocks which can be difficult to remove. All you need to do to prepare yourself for a removal appointment is keep up with your extensions aftercare instructions.
Should I consider extensions?
Hair extensions in Hemel Hempstead are a fantastic option if you are looking for added length or volume. Many people assume extensions are only used to provide you with length, however, even if you have short hair, you can still gain additional volume with the use of weave hair extensions in Harpenden or nano ring hair extensions in Ampthill.
If you are looking to give your hair a little something different and add colour, sometimes extensions are one of the best ways to do so, especially if you do not want to colour your own hair. They cause no damage to your hair and are a great way of adding to your look.
If you are looking to book in for hair extensions or want to discuss all the options we have available here at Angel Hair Extensions, feel free to get in touch with us on info@angelhairextensions.co.uk or use our booking system to book your free consultation. We look forward to seeing you soon!