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Healthy Hair Hacks

Your hair deserves love, care and attention if you want it to look healthy. But are you sure you’re giving your hair exactly what it deserves? Sure you may add a hair mask here and there, but are you are you giving your hair just what it needs? In our new article, we will be giving you a few hacks on how you can achieve beautiful and healthy hair.

About our Healthy Hair Hacks…

Having healthy hair is not just achieved by doing things directly to your hair; it also has a lot to do with what goes inside your body. If you want healthy hair for longer, read our article!

Healthy Body

Eat healthy fats, so that means cutting back on the oily crisps and chips, and by healthy fats, we mean oily fish, avocado, nuts and seeds, these are essential for keeping your hair strong from the inside out, and they don’t taste too bad, so it’s a win-win. If your hair is weak, then try and incorporate these foods into your diet then see if you notice a change.

Healthy Fats

Oats oats oats!

So we’re talking about food again, and this time it’s oats. Oats are amazing for hair as it contains silica, which is a trace mineral that is essential for keeping your hair strong. The way silica works is that it builds strong and healthy connective tissues, creating beautiful, thick and most importantly healthy long locks. If you hate oats, then it’s no problem, spinach, asparagus, barley, millet and rye all have silica, so you are completely covered!

Oats with Fruit

Protein fix

Protein is a major factor in getting beautiful and healthy hair, so it’s important that you get a good amount of daily protein. If you study or did biology, then you are probably familiar with the words Amino Acids, what they do is create proteins which are essentially the building blocks of our cells and tissues. You can get your proteins from various sources including, fish, yoghurt, seeds, nuts, meat and much more, so it’s important that you’re getting your protein fix.

Foods rich in protein

Washing your Hair

Now we’re moving on from what you put in your body, to what you do to your hair. I know some of us might be guilty of washing your hair too often, but what you don’t know is that, that can be very detrimental to your hair, as it strips of all the natural oils your hair needs to remain strong. Luckily the solution for this is simple! Just wash your hair less often, maybe try washing it twice a week, and you should notice a difference.

Woman with long thin hair

Be Kinder to your Hair

This one’s for those who use a little too much heat on their hair, or frequently dye it, well we have news for you- that is really bad for your hair! What you’re doing is stripping the natural oils from your hair leaving it dry and brittle. To help your hair flourish again, look for shampoos and conditioners that have no sulphate, as this tends to be very drying. When styling your hair, try to avoid using anything that uses heat, but if you can’t live without your straightener or curler, then before using it, add a heat protector to your hair.

Dry Hair

Take care of your Hair Extensions

If you have Hair Extensions and looking for tips on how you can keep them healthy, don’t worry, we’ve got you! Hair Extensions should be treated with the same amount of care and love as your regular hair- if not more! To keep your Hair Extensions looking beautiful for longer, there are certain things you should consider:

  • 1. Use aftercare products

    We’ve mentioned this tip a few times in the past, so it’s very important. Every Hair Extensionist should be able to recommend their clients with after care products best suited for the Hair Extensions they had installed. Asking your Hair Extensions how you go about maintaining your Hair Extensions is essential if you want them to last a lot longer!

  • 2. Use sulphate free shampoos

    Like we said, treat your Hair Extensions like you would your real hair. Human Hair Extensions work exactly the same as real hair, so sulphate can also be very drying. There are many sulphate free shampoos available that get your Hair Extensions just as clean, but without the negative side effects.

  • 3. Attend Hair Maintenance Appointments

    This is by far the ultimate tip! Your Hair Extensionist should be able to book appointments with you, to help you keep your Hair Extensions in tip-top shape. Here at Angel Hair Extensions, we offer our Hair Extensions in Milton Keynes, we pride ourselves in helping our clients get the most out of their Hair Extensions, and will always go the extra mile to ensure every client is completely satisfied with their extensions.

Clean your Scalp!

One reason why your hair might not be growing is that your scalp is clogged up, but there is a simple solution! Mixing sugar with your shampoo and using it as normal, means you can exfoliate your scalp, getting rid of all the build up. However if the thought of putting sugar in your hair does not sound appealing to you, you could use cleansing shampoos and conditioners, which essentially does the same thing.

Woman cleansing Scalp

Quick Recap…

And there you have it a few basic Healthy Hair Hacks to give your hair the loves it desperately needs!

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